Saturday, October 15, 2011

Death House Tour

I have my death house all decked out for Halloween, so come and let me give you a tour.  Grab a cup of cider and a candy apple, I promise they aren't poisoned.  *evil grin*
The wraiths are trained and will not harm you, however I wouldn't get to close the banshee, she is a bit moody.


Friday, October 7, 2011

Halloween Contests and A Masquarade

Wow the Sprial is hopping with Halloween tricks and treats.  Check them out. :-)

Contests:  These can all be found at Wizard101Central Offical Contests and Giveaways

Doom And Gloom In The Dorms

Decorate Your Yard

Decorate A Pumpkin

Draw A Picture

Masqurades and Parties:

So check these out, enter them or attend.  There are PRIZES involved, and hey, who doesn't like FREE stuff? Esp if you won it. :-)

Hmm if you are wondering why I added 'PARTIES', well that is a surprise for later on 'MUHAHAHAHAHAHAH!"


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloween In The Spiral

It's that time of year again Witches and Wizards.  Halloween has come to the Spiral.  Come join us for Halloween fest.

*  pet is a danger hound is no longer ava. sorry guys :-(

There are ghosts and pumpkins all over Wizard City. There are special quests set up that everyone can play, new Halloween pets, costumes, wands and yes even special Halloween Towers.  Kind of makes a witch get all excited. :-) (esp. when she loves playing dress up anyway.)

Joshua StormCatcher, Gabrielle (me) & Talon DragonRider
Posing in our Halloween finest at the Wizard Watchtower

Go to the Shopping District and you will see this guy.  Spooky Bob. For a few crowns (2500  to be exact) you can have a Halloween costume of your own.  Shell out a few more crowns and you can have a Halloween wand and one of the new Halloween pets.

The new pets are pretty awesome with the Nightmare having the possibility of getting "May Cast Unicorn'.  Yes Witches and Wizards you read that correctly.  Amazing huh???

Night Mare - Zombie Pig - Ghost Dragon - Black Cat

So if you aren't already a member come join all the Halloween fun at Wizard101.  Don't forget to use my friend  code for a cool FREE pet. :-)  

Thursday, September 22, 2011

New Crown Shop Pets

Yes you heard right, there are 5, count them 5 NEW pets in the crown shop.  Oh how exciting.  So go on over and check them out at Wizard101 and while you are there sign up if you arent a player already.


New Item Of Intrest

I have added a new page to the blog.  Stories From The Spiral.  This is a continuing story of the adventures that my friends and I have. 

I am really enjoying writing it and I hope you will enjoy reading it.  Please feel free to leave a comment on this thread on your toughts. 

Thanks Bunches.

~ Gabby

Wizard101 Memebership Sale

If you arent a member of the wizarding community or even if you are, you should hurry over to Wizard101 and check out the membership sale they are having.

1 Year Memnbership for only $59.95

Remember if you are new to Wizard101 use this code for a FREE pet and 1250 free crowns with $10.00 purchase. (I think the membership will fill this requirement lol)


Come join the fun. :-)


Exciting News

The blog has been excepted for membership at Diary OF A Wizard ConnectX.
Great place, you all should go over and check them out. :-)  Thanks bunches for the membership


Visit Diary of a Wizard™ ConnectX

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Wizard101 Cancer Walk 2011

Come join me, Gabrielle, Queen of Storm and lots of other wizards for the Wizard101 Cancer Walk 2001.  You can win great prizes and do something for a great cause.  Head on over to the Evil Theurgist, (click the banner to be magicaly transported) for details. 

September 17, 2011  6 pm EST
Realm Vampire
Video of the route can be found on the Evil Thergist's blog. 


Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Helephant Tower

For those of you who don't know what The Helephant Tower is, let me explain. 

Once you finish the new world 'Wysteria' and you are a level 60.  When you first get there you come face to face with 4 enemies.  Taurus, a myth boss, with 17,110 hp ( health points), Ervin, a death boss, with 16,130 hp, and he uses Levy btw, and 2 other minions, both balance with 2,625 hp.  And yes they cheat.  :-)  Did you expect them NOT to?!?!?!

The next few fights are really not bad at all, until you face Lyon, a storm boss, who summons a minion every round, all myth, every round and when all 3 minions are with him he will use Blizzard as well as his own attack.  Not fun at all.  And yes, the minions do use earthquake.  So be prepared.

Needless to say if you do die, you can flee, use potion and then run back.  Just make sure when you go back in
For a good guide to The Helephant Tower check here. 

Gabrielle Lifecaster (life), Gabrielle (myth) & Elizabeth (storm)

Wizard Homes

One of the things I love doing while playing Wizard101, besides questing, farming, collecting and haning out with good friends is decorating my houses.

I have maximum houses on all wizards and two extra on storm, thanks to the housing elixirs that came with the Sultans Palace and the Massive Fantasy Palace.  So I will be adding videos and pictures of my homes, as well as videos and pictures of friends and various happenings from around the spiral on my Pictures and Video Page.  So head on over and check them out.


Saturday, September 10, 2011


Let me start off by introducing myself.

My name is Gabrielle, Gabby to family and friends, both in and out of the Spiral. 
I have several wizards but Storm is my main so she is the one who will be using
this blog the most. Oh you will hear about adventures with the others as well.  There
is always something going on in the spiral worthy of reporting.

What?!?!  Could it be you, dear reader, do not know what the Spiral is?  Well
let me tell you about it.  It is a magical place where you can become a wonderful
all powerful wizard.  You can choose from one of  seven schools. 

The Spirital Schools are:  
  • Death
  • Life
  • Myth

The Elemental Schools are:
  • Storm
  • Ice
  • Fire

Then There is
Balance  (not to be underestimated, it contains a little of both spirital and elemental qualities)

This is just the tip of the ice berg.  There is much more about the spiral, which you will learn here
in my blog.  But if this has peaked your intrest head on over to Wizard101 and sign up.  Never know
we might run into each other.

My friend code for Wizard101  is  29870-04124-97083-63887 
Enter it when you sign up for Wizard101 and I will be your first friend and you will recieve a unique
