
Hello, my name is Gabby and yes I am addicted to pets!
{charter member of HA ~Hatchers Anonymous~ here ^_^}

:In Progress of being Updated:

Here is a list of pets that I have, it is an ongoing project and the list keeps on growing.
This list is the different kinds I have, some I have more than one or two or three of. :-)

* Indicates Spud Pet

Best Pets

Defender Pig  9/5  SPUD
Magma Collosus  9/5  SPUD
Seraph  9/5 SPUD
Slink  7/4 SPUD
Wintry Elf  9/5 Pain 6 Sprite

Pets I  have:

  1. Amber Shelong Dragon
  2. Assailing Dragon
  3. Aqua Dragon
  4. Arctic Ninja Pig
  5. Arctic Serpent
  6. Arctic Triton
  7. Boar Knight
  8. Black Cat
  9. Black Spider
  10. Blaze Beast
  11. Blue Ghost
  12. Blossom Pixie
  13. Blue Banshee
  14. Blue Cat Thug
  15. Blue Cyclops
  16. Bolt Colossus
  17. Bolt Demon
  18. Boss Banshee
  19. Bronze Helephant
  20. Brown Rat Magician
  21. Brown Spider
  22. Buddy Dragon
  23. Burning Pixie
  24. Burnzilla
  25. Carnation Pixie
  26. Cerberus
  27. Christmas Elf
  28. Clockwork Golem
  29. Cloud Beast
  30. Collossus
  31. Crabling
  32. Crimson Spectre
  33. Crop Watcher
  34. Cyclone Basilisk
  35. Damp Demon
  36. Danger Hound
  37. Dark Crow
  38. Dark Imp
  39. Dark Sprite
  40. Deathbat
  41. Death Leprechaun
  42. Death Ninja
  43. Death Oni
  44. Death Scarab
  45. Death Troll
  46. Defender Pig*
  47. Desert Beast
  48. Desert Gnome
  49. Dragon
  50. Dread Grimoire
  51. Dream Ghoul
  52. Earth Walker
  53. Efreet
  54. Elemental Foo Dog
  55. Evil Sandman
  56. Fatezilla
  57. Fierce Hound
  58. Fiendish Foo Dog
  59. Fire Beast
  60. Fire Gnome
  61. Firey Judge
  62. Firewalker
  63. Firewing
  64. Frog
  65. Forest Basilisk
  66. Forest Beast
  67. Forest Lord
  68. Frontier Dragon
  69. Frost Beetle
  70. Frostman
  71. Ghast
  72. Ghost Dragon
  73. Ghost Hound
  74. Giraffe
  75. Gnome
  76. Goat Monk
  77. Gob-O-Lantern
  78. Golden Armored Skeleton
  79. Golden Piggle
  80. Grimzilla
  81. Graveyard Gnome
  82. Grove Unicorn
  83. Grumpy Snowman
  84. Guarduan Foo Dog
  85. Helephant
  86. Helion
  87. Hollow Knight
  88. Humongofrog
  89. Ianthine Hound
  90. Ianthine Spectre
  91. Ice Bird
  92. Ice Colossus
  93. Ice Elf
  94. Ice Hound
  95. Ice Salamander
  96. Icebat
  97. Imp
  98. Imperial Foo Dog
  99. Inferno Cat
  100. Jade Hound
  101. Jade Oni
  102. Jelly Fish
  103. Kraken
  104. Krok
  105. Krokomummy
  106. Lava Spider
  107. Lavender Foo Dog
  108. Leopard
  109. Leprechaun
  110. Life Banshee
  111. Life Ghoul
  112. Life Minotaur
  113. Life Scarab
  114. Life Troll
  115. Lightingbat
  116. Magma Colossus*
  117. Magma Dragon
  118. Magma Spider
  119. Mander
  120. Marid
  121. Midnight Sprite
  122. Minotaur
  123. Mist Triton
  124. Mulberry Hound
  125. Myth Ghoul
  126. Mythical Beast
  127. Night Hawk
  128. Nightmare
  129. Nightwalker {both versions}
  130. Ninja Pig
  131. Oblivion Chimera
  132. Onyx Shenlong Dragon
  133. Orthrus
  134. Pale Maiden
  135. Patriotic Leprechaun
  136. Pet Egg
  137. Phoenix
  138. Pixie Queen
  139. Plains Mammoth
  140. Plague Ninja
  141. Polar Cat
  142. Queen Spider
  143. Rain Beetle
  144. Rain Colossus
  145. Rain Gnome
  146. Rat Magician
  147. Raven
  148. Red Cap
  149. Reaver
  150. Red Ghost
  151. Red Gobbler
  152. Samoorai
  153. Satyr
  154. Scarecrow
  155. Sea Dragon
  156. Sea Turtle
  157. Seraph*
  158. Shadow Phoenix
  159. Shaolin Monkey
  160. Shock Colossus
  161. Skeletal Warrior
  162. Slink*
  163. Snake In A Basket
  164. Snow Beast
  165. Snow Serpent
  166. Snowball
  167. Spark Beast
  168. Spinyfish
  169. Spirit Of Nature
  170. Stone Colossus
  171. Storm Bird
  172. Storm Cat
  173. Storm Hound
  174. Storm Salamander
  175. Storm Serpent
  176. Storm Snowman
  177. Stormzilla
  178. Strange Beast
  179. Stray Piggie
  180. Sun Bird
  181. Sunfire Foo Dog
  182. Supportive Wildclaw
  183. Tempest
  184. Tempest Chimera
  185. Thunderbird
  186. Thunder Colossus
  187. Topaz Kraken
  188. Treant
  189. Triton
  190. Troll
  191. Trolling Stone
  192. Unicorn
  193. Utility Dragon
  194. Wanderer
  195. Wendigo
  196. White Rat Magician
  197. Wintry Elf
  198. Wolfhound
  199. Wraith
  200. Yellow Elf
  201. Yellow Ghost
  202. Yuletide Spirit
  203. Zombie
  204. Zombie Piggle
Pets I Need:

Alert Hound
Amaranthine Hound

Amethyst Hound
Arctic Cat
Arctic Elf
Arctic Triton
Arch Fiend
Armoured Skeleton
Ash Spider
Astral Judge
Azure Dragon
Basilisk (hybrid)
Basilisk (class pet)
Battle Piggle
Black Spider
Blizzard Cat
Blood Bat
Blossom Pixie
Blue Dragon
Blue Spider
Bone Dragon
Brass Golem
Brave Hound
Brave Piggle
Brute Piggle
Careful Hound
Cat Thug
Cautious Hound
Cerulean Dragon
Cheery Piggle
Cloud Demon
Crystal Spider
Dark Reaver
Dark Walker
Dastardly Magician
Deadly Night Walker
Death Cyclops
Death Treant
Desert Baslisk
Desert Mammoth
Diseased Wildclaw
Earth Elemental
Emerald Cyclops
Evil Snowman
Fang Bat
Fate Sealer
Fire Bat
Fire Bettle
Fire Cat
Fire Salamander
Fire Serpent
Fire Wyvern
Flame Toad
Fog Unicorn
Forest Cyclops
Forest Oni
Fragmented Dragon
Friendly Dragon
Frigid Elf
Frost Caller
Frost Cat
Frost Hound
Frost Man
Frozen Cat
Fun Dragon
Funky Piggle
Gamer Piggle
Ghost Dragon (holiday)
Ghost Hound (nightmare hoard)
Glacial Elf
Glacial Cat
Glacier Cat
Glacier Dragon
Gloom Toad
Golden Armored Skeleton
Greater Imp
Green Cat Thug
Green Ghost
Grim Scarab
Guardian Dragon
Happy Piggle
Heck Hound
Helpful Wildclaw
Hero Pig
Hulking Cyclops
Humble Pig
Ice Bat
Ice Cat
Ice Kraken
Ice Oni
Ice Wyvern
Indigo Dragon
Inferno Hound
Inferno Salamander
Ivory Shenlong Dragon
Jade Shenlong Dragon
Jolly Piggle
Jovial Piggle
Lava Spider
Life Bat
Life Cyclops
Lucky Leprechaun
Maelstrom Oni
Magenta Hound
Magical Dragon
Magma Dragon
Midnight Sprite
Muscled Cat
Mustard Troll
Myth Banshee
Myth Imp
Myth Leprechaun
Myth Sprite
Nice Dragon
Periwinkle Hound
Pet Rock
Pink Jellyfish
Pink Pixie
Pioneer Dragon (unhatchable)
Plague Oni
Polar Elf
Power Elf
Power Dragon
Power Piggle
Premier Porker
Primal Wildclaw
Prime Piggle
Quick Piggle
Queen Pixie
Rain Demon
Red Banshee
Red Ghost (hybrid)
Reveared Dragon
Rocky Orthus
Rose Pixie
Rowdy Wildclaw
Royal Dragon
Ruby Shenlong Dragon
Safety Hound
Savage Wildclaw
Scout Pig
Scout Piggle
Shardtail Dragon (unhatchable)
Sheep (unhatchable)
Silver Colossus
Skeletal Knight
Skyscream Demon
Sly Piggle
Smarty Piggle
Sneaky Piggle
Snow Covered Elf
Spark Colossus
Spider Golem
Spiritual Dragon
Sporty Dragon
Storm Bat
Storm Beetle (unhatchable)
Storm Caller
Storm Colossus
Storm Dancer
Storm Demon
Storm Elf
Storm Snowman
Storm Warden
Striped Boar
Sturdy Dragon
Sift Piggle
Talented Piggle
Tempest Hound
Tough Troll
Toy Dragon
Tricky Dragon
Tricky Wildclaw
Tundra Baslisk
Tundra Warden
Valentine Pig
Veridian Cyclops
Void Baslisk
War Oni
War Pig
War Piggle
Watchful Hound
Wintrey Elf
Wood Golem
Woodland Haunter
Wolly Mammoth

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